What's Going On
I've had a number of people ask me recently for an update on the whole family situation. People who I've recently caught back up with and people who I've just been bad about updating. So here is a quick update of what's going on with us.
In July of last year (2005), I started at New Horizons Christian Church as their full time Associate Minister over Youth and Children. My good friend D. was the previous Associate and had stepped down to become a math teacher. He still volunteers as our worship leader and works with our design team to help plan and execute a lot of the creativity in our worship services.
We moved to Winter Garden (Ocoee actually) in September. We also got the opportunity to buy a mini-van at a great price right before the move, so now I am a mini-van guy. My wife has looked for jobs teaching music for most of this school year and has still come up with nothing, but we are still doing ok. (There is actually some really good news in that department but I'll let her fill everyone in later.)
B. turned 1 in October of last year and R. turned 4 this past March. They are both getting big and I think I am losing my mind with all the cuteness. They are both currently going through a bit of rebelliousness but things have been crazy lately and I haven't been home as much as usual in about a week and a half.
Our Church just recently went mobile and that has been the source of a lot of my stress, but it is really a good move for our congregation. We are planning to build a building on our property in the next 2 years, and this move is going to bring our finances into a position that will allow us to continue towards that goal.
As of today, I leave for a missions trip to Mexico with FCYC in 23 days. I am this year's vice president and will be President next year. I am also a program director for one of the Middle School weeks of camp at Lake Aurora and am currently serving as one of the trustees at the camp. I am also helping out this summer as the activities director for the High School week of camp.
I am sure there is more going on and more that has gone on in the last year, but that is all that comes to mind at the moment. Sorry for the haphazard order, but with the insanity of recent weeks, it is lucky I am still sane.
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