Saturday, August 12, 2006

Summer is over

I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. It is bad because we had a lot of fun this summer at camp and such, but it is good because we were very busy (especially my dh) and R starts pre-K this year. They grow up so fast. Wow.
We had a great time at camp. B went and stayed at grandma's house so that R and I could have an easier time playing together. That was a nice break, I only had one kid, I did not have to cook all week, and after R went to bed I 3 hours to my self, it was my vacation this year.

Now is the great race to find a job. Have I mentioned that I hate job interviews, I never know what to say and everything sounds stupid to my ears, or my brain just stops functioning and I don't know what to say. Hopefully God knows where He wants me, cause I have no idea.


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